Economics or Ecology

All Portfolios Ecology, Biodiversity , Environmental Economics, Gross Ecosystem Product Print Sep 2016 Client: GIZ

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity [TEEB] is a global initiative to put a right price
to ecology and its services. One may argue that economic valuation of ecology is absurd, but
this probably the best way to present ecology to a materialistic society.
TEEB’s India programme looked at 12 cases, landscapes and species to look at valuation that
would help policymaker to decide on harvesting. Each study was fronted by renowned Indian
institution with both ecologists and economists in the teams.

DamageControl worked with Indo-German Biodiversity Programme of GIZ, the
implementing agency of TEEB India Initiative along with Government of India to spread the
findings in different forms for different interest groups.

It varies from editing an academic book while making all papers consistent in style, to create
one pager for each research as Factsheets for decision/opinion makers to popular
cartoonesque artwork for public communication from the same research. The project resulted in an enormous amount of learning for us. 

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